But this time I would like to discuss the people that we influence. God has given each of us particular dominion, and that dominion includes those persons that we are responsible for. Those persons can be in our family, our friends, coworkers, and sometimes just persons with whom we are briefly associated.
These two scriptures illustrate this point. The first is the story of Jonah. With Jonah we see how his negative actions affected all of the people who were sailing on the ship with him. All of those mariners were in danger of losing their lives, because Jonah decided to run from the Lord. We must understand that when we decide to sin, that the repercussions go beyond just us. The repercussions affect those people within the sphere of our influence. Think about how your negative actions or poor decisions have affected those persons around you.
In the book of Acts chapter 27, we see how Paul, while on his way to prison, was on a ship that was going to crash. There's a visit from an angel of the Lord, and the angel told Paul that because of who he was, and whose he was, despite the impending danger of the ships crashing, that no one would lose their life. Now, understand that he was on the ship with a boatload of criminals. These criminals may have deserved to die during the ship's crashing. But, because of how Paul had decided to live his life, they all would benefit from his decisions. They were in his circle of influence.
Now, think about how people close to you have benefited because of the good choices and behaviors that you have exhibited.
We must try to be more selfless, and make decisions based upon not only how it will affect us, but how it will affect those who are within our circle of influence. We must consider our actions not only for us, but for those over whom we have dominion. The same way that Jesus made a decision to go to Calvary. He thought more about you and me than the pain that He Himself would endure.
– We love you, and we are praying for you. Pastor Erroyl and Sister Pinky
Thank you for reminding me that my actions affect those around me, be them good or bad. Help me to be cognizant of my actions and to be led by the Holy Spirit in every area of my life.
In Jesus' name we pray,