Friday, December 23, 2016

Driven into the Wilderness

Driven into the Wilderness

     When you hear the term wilderness, what do you think of? Do you think of a hot desert? Do you think of a cold and/or barren land? A place in the middle of a forest perhaps? The wilderness, in terms of a physical place, is one where the elements of nature can wreak havoc on you. You are isolated, cold or hot, lacking food, water, and/or shelter. So whatever came to your mind at the initial question, was correct.
A spiritual wilderness can be a place where you are emotionally isolated, socially unsheltered, starved for attention, heartbroken, the subject of persecution, or out of money perhaps. In other words, a place where it seems like the enemy is able to wreak havoc on you.
    After Jesus was baptized, Mark chapter 1 says He was driven into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit.

The wildernesses that we may experience, be they physical or spiritual, may have characteristics that may lead us to believe that it is the work of the enemy that causes us to are there. How often, have you said "the enemy is bothering me. Or, the devil is surely busy" But, that's just not what the Bible teaches. Therefore, not the conclusion that we should jump to.  Understand this, there is NOTHING that Satan can do to you that catches God unaware. In fact, the Bible teaches us, in the book of Job, that Satan must have permission, and even then the Bible says that God will cause ALL things to work to the benefit of those who love Him and are called to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
     When we find ourselves in a wilderness experience, what should we do? If we take Jesus' example, when we find ourselves in a place that we would call "a wilderness", then we should face the wilderness time with the Word of God. This is exactly what Jesus did when Satan tried to tempt Him. *Hint: You can't recite the Bible, nor use the Word of God, which is your spiritual sword, as Jesus did if you do not/have not read and digested it.  Also, we should fast and pray. Unfortunately, in times of turmoil, most of us turn to prayer last and fasting never. Jesus teaches us that there are certain problems that can only be bested by fasting and praying. "However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and  fasting." (Matthew 17:21 NKJV)
     Maybe your wilderness is on your job, or in school. Maybe it is a lacking of funds or prolonged isolation from loved ones. Maybe a relationship has come across a rocky patch, but whatever it is, there is a purpose for you in it. Jesus was in the wilderness to be tempted (Matt 4) and to prepare for ministry. We as followers of Christ often go through wilderness experiences so that we too might gain strength, gain knowledge, develop testimonies, prepare for ministry, and also exercise our faith.
     The key, of course, is that we must let the Holy Spirit drive us to the wilderness! We cannot drive ourselves there, or be lead by the enemy.
I love you and I am praying for you.
~Pastor,  Dr. Erroyl McGinty, Jr.

Sis. Pinky's Prayer:
Hear our cry O Lord, we need you like never before! Some of us are in desolate places, seeking an answer from You. Help us to learn how to lean on You as we go through our desert experiences.
In Jesus’ name,

You are precious; act like it.

There are times in life that, for whatever reason, we compromise. We compromise on our budgets to get a coveted car, house, suit, dress or maybe a new pair of shoes. There are times where compromise is essential. It may be hard to give acquiesce at all, but for the greater good, sometimes it must be done. Many disputes have ended due to thoughtful and fair compromises. Many wars ended, many laws made, and many marriages saved because of compromises.  With that said, we must understand that we should never compromise with what God says. Never on what God has promised. Never.
     Even when people don't believe it, when don't believe, and when you don't act like it... You are precious to God. His child, the apple of His eye, the reason that His son sacrificed so much. He has put gifts in you. For His purposes. He saved, redeemed, healed, lifted, promoted….you.
   "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces. "
Matt 7:6

Understand that you and your gifts are sacred; are pearls. Sacred means to be set aside, apart from what is common, for a purpose. God’s purpose. You should not give yourself, nor your gift,  to the predators and scavengers of this world. God has made you (fearfully and wonderfully), He has saved you from sin and death, and calls you His own. What an honor! This scripture warns us of the consequences of compromising what God has for us. Our gifts may be destroyed in the vilest of ways, and us along with them.
  Stay sacred, be Holy for God is holy. Don't squander or compromise who you are and what you have.

I love you and I am praying for you.
~Pastor, Dr. Erroyl McGinty, Jr.

Sis. Pinky’s Prayer:
Thank you God for making me a sacred being. Help me to remember who I am in You and not to give what's precious in Your sight away.

In Jesus’ name,


Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Wilderness/Help

Are you in a rough place? Are you in a place of lack? Tribulations, trials? Well, I've got great news for you!
In the book of Exodus chapter 4 verse 27 the Lord told Aaron "go into to the desert to meet Moses." Isn't that odd? God sent someone into a place like the desert or wilderness to seek help. Only a sovereign and all-powerful God would send you into a place like a desert to get help. Moses on the other hand, was in the desert to receive help. Aaron was in this wilderness to be a help. 
     God does NOT make mistakes.  Our rough times, our places of lack, are designed by God. And He has a myriad of purposes. These are just two. 

Which one are you? Why are you there?
Be encouraged, as you are going into these times/places.  Understand that God has a purpose for you being there. You never know, your help just might be in the desert!
I bet you're wondering about the result of this meeting in the desert… At the end of verse 31, after this powwow in the desert, the Children of Israel bowed their heads and worshiped.
We love you and We are praying for you.
Dr. Erroyl McGinty, Jr.

Sis Pinky's Prayer:
Thank you God for being omnipotent! You alone are worthy of our praise! Thank you for the places of lack and rough times. You make ALL things work together for our good!  In Jesus’ name,


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Oh God! This storm.

Oh God, this storm! 

Storms can be frightening and destructive. They can be difficult, trying, painful instructive, and helpful? Wait, what? Helpful? Yes, they can be helpful. Instructive? Yes, we can learn a lot from the storms that God sends our way. You mean storms come from God? Well, nothing happens without God's knowing and consent. And, many places in the bible show where God sends "places of lack" (storms, wildernesses, valleys, etc...)our way, or sends us into them. So, yes. 

In the book of Jonah, we find Jonah running from the Lord because he was chosen to work for the Lord, and he didn't want to. Does that sound like us? Because we don't want to give up what the world offers us in carnal pleasures, for the gift of responsibility that God gives to us, we run.

So he ran. In doing so, God sends (ch 1:4) first a wind to awaken him, and then a storm to shake him. 
Here we find one of those places where the Bible says that God sends the winds and the tempest (storm). Just like storms in the natural world, there are typically warnings that precede the spiritual storm. Gray skies, strong winds, etc. If we learn to recognize their approach we can get ready for what's next. Next? What do I mean by that? Some storms can be avoided, while some must be weathered. If the warnings you get from God present an opportunity for you to evacuate, you should do so. But, what if you can't, and when should you stay?

For example: You are in a relationship, and you begin to see flashes of anger, hostility, inhumane behavior, narcissism, constant arguments, belittling comments, lack of empathy, etc. Your first course of action is always to pray. Ask God to instruct you. Then, listen for the instructions and obey them. If the instructions say leave, make haste. Get out.

So what if the instructions from God say that you should stay? Stay in a very difficult situation? Stay in what the world will see as a definite reason to leave? In the storm? If God says stay, you should stay. Take heart for you will not be staying under your own strength, but by His strength. 

When Jonah did get back on God’s course, he was successfully preaching to a large sinful city. But, he was not successful by his own orating skill, but because he was in God's perfect will, and by God's perfect strength. His word says that in our weakness, His strength is made perfect. 2 Cor 12:9.
Isn't it wonderful that God would have us to do something and use his power with which to get it done?  Don't let any storm stress you. Instead, why not do what Jesus did when he was in a storm? Mark 4:38.

We love you, and we are praying for you. 
~Pastor, Dr. Erroyl McGinty, Jr.
SALT ministries 

Sis. Pinky’s Prayer:
Heavenly Father, help me to discern who has sent a storm when it comes in my life, as well as the reason for it. Empower me with your strength to stand during a tempestuous period, and to rest in it like Jesus did.

It is in Your holy name that we pray, 

Friday, September 16, 2016


*Rest: a: relief from anything distressing, annoying, tiring, etc.
             b: peace of mind; mental and emotional calm; tranquillity.

Are you worn out? Feel like life is unraveling right before you? Distressed from life’s battles and woes? Well, do I have good news for you! God says He will give you rest! 
    In Matthew 11:28, Jesus tells the crowd gathered around Him that they can have rest for their souls if they come to Him. Going to God requires action and humbling on our part; are we ready to surrender our cares to God? Too often we try to carry the load on our own, and eventually, realize that the load is too heavy to carry. God wants to take the burden off of our shoulders once we surrender it.
 When you read the definitions of the word “rest”, listed above, understand that Jesus’ words have much more depth. He states that we can come to Him. We can come weary with life, burned out, and He will give relief from anything distressing us.  As well as, giving us mental and emotional calm! 

Go to Jesus today. Run to Him if need be, and receive God’s rest!

We love you, and we are praying for you. 
Salt Ministries. Sis. Pinky McGinty

Let’s pray:
Heavenly Father, we thank you for The Word! You understand that life can be challenging, and burdensome at times; so you offer us rest. Help us to humble ourselves, and receive Your rest today. 

In Jesus’ name,

*; retrieved on 9/14/16

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Used Goods

     I grew up in a home in which flea markets and yard sales made up the family's Saturday morning outings. I learned to find value where others no longer saw it. This, I believe, is how God sees us. We live our lives without Him at its center, and get broken, age worn, and soon dejected.  
     But, God. Regardless of the current situation. No matter how badly you feel, or act.  Regardless of the life you've lived, or the sins you've committed, God sees value in you, because He made you.    Ephesians 2:10 says that we are God's workmanship. In other words, we are His product. Made for Him to use us as He sees fit. 
      The question then becomes, "what are you fit to be used for?" Can God use you in your office, on your job? Your neighborhood, your school, your home and family even? He did place you there by the way. No, it's not a coincidence that you are one of the only believers there. He planned that. Are you open to Him working things His way? 
      This doesn't mean that you have to be perfect, or have it all together before you start being used. You just have to a willing vessel, striving for holiness, and He will use you. After all, He wonderfully made You (Psalms 139:14), through Christ, for His purposes.
Get on God's Agenda! Amen? Amen. 
     We love you, and we are praying for you. 
~Pastor, Dr. Erroyl McGinty, Jr. 

Encouragement comes from??

Encouragement comes from??

      Be encouraged, God loves you. He didn't put you in the situation you are in by chance, there's a purpose! He trusts that you can go through the situation, and still give Him glory and praise. So, be of good courage, face what you don't know with the certainty and assurance that God has ordered your steps.
     When David was being chased by Saul and he was hiding in caves and mountains, he wrote some of the most beautiful psalms (songs). He did this, not so that you and I would have something to read or sing on Sundays, but as a way to encourage himself and remind himself of who God is. Draw that parallel to you, and the situation that you are currently in. 
       You may, in fact, be in a situation in which you feel like you are being persecuted, chased, you might be in pain, or maybe you feel alone. God was with David, and He is with you. Take David's example and encourage yourself, remind yourself of who God is in the midst of the situation. Besides...

Joshua 1:9(NIV) Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  

Sis. Pinky’s Prayer:

Omnipresent God, 
Thank you! Thank you for being an ever present force no matter where I am physically or spiritually. Thank you for the gift of your Word to encourage me when I feel lonely or depleted of strength. I love and thank you.

We love you and we are praying for you!

~Pastor Erroyl and Sis. Pinky

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

It is not for everybody

It’s Not For Everybody
  Your path is just that "your" path. Not everyone with whom you associate can go with you on your path and your journey. Everyone is not built the same way that you have been built, for the same purposes that you have been built. They've not had the same experiences or even reactions to similar experiences. Regardless of how much you love them, how similar your interests are, how similar your upbringing, or how long you've known them they are not you. We have a tendency to hold on to people after their season in our lives has ended. We often expect behaviors, input, outcomes, insight, and knowledge from them that is particular to our purpose and calling. And, we get disappointed when they cannot live up to what we are asking. There's a simple solution.... 
It's not for everybody, it's for you.
   In the book of Acts 15:36-41, there is much of the story of the friendship of Paul and Barnabas. They are friends, co-workers, church-planters, and they have a very interesting story within their relationship. They started several ministries (churches) and projects together. They ministered together and often traveled together. But, they had to go their separate ways. It's not that they didn't love each other, but as humans do from time to time, they had contentious moments... a disagreement. And guess what, the quarrel was about doing God's work. That's right, they fought about the ministry team. Sound familiar? The bible says (v. 39) that the contention was so sharp that they parted. They had different paths to travel.  And different people with whom to travel.  But, that's okay. They both continued to do ministry, they both continued to preach the word of God, and they remained good friends. But not together, and not the same way. They had similar missions and purposes, but not the same. They both were designed by God to do very important things for His Kingdom, but not the same way, same places, or at the same times.
   God has designed you for an important assignment as well. That's your job, not mine. Nor is it your friend's, or pastor's, or even you wife's job. We should not expect this of others. It puts undo pressure on them. Frankly it gives them a job to do that the Lord has not equipped them for. Those people may be involved with or work with you on the same project, and may have even started the project with you, but their job is for them, and your job is for you.  If a person is held onto for too long, a part of their true mission might be hindered. Think about our example. If they had not gone their separate ways, the gospel would not have spread as it did. If they had not separated, churches and ministries may not have begun. They would have been out of place.  And so will you.

We love you and we are praying for you.

Sis. Pinky’s Prayer:
Father, help us to stay in our own lanes in life and fulfill our mission and not in someone else’s!

In Jesus’ name,

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Test and Testimony

Test and Testimony

Test and Testimony 

I know that you have heard the saying, "there is no testimony without a test."  That certainly can be true, however it is also true even if you fail the test. In that case, you will more than likely have to retake that test.

God is an awesome teacher, and He teaches and molds us through experiences. He is the great Potter (Isaiah 64:8). We must be pliable and porous enough to learn from the experiences and people that God places in our lives. Don't be rigid clay! Allow the Master's hands to shape you into the vase, vessel, pot, or kettle that He desires for you to be. And, don't try to be a kettle if He made you to be a ladle! Glory in the fact that God made you to be a ladle with a particular purpose. 

Don't fail the test and have to retake it. (We have ALL failed a few). But don't worry, either way you will have a testimony to share. You don't have to pass the test to learn the lesson. 

We love you, and we are praying for you.
~Pastor Erroyl and Sis. Pinky

Sis. Pinky’s Prayer:
Thank you God for being a patient teacher with us. Help us to be porous, pliable, and willing vessels for the kingdom! We love and praise you Lord.
In Jesus’ Name,