Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Big Switch

In 2020-

Christ is Risen!

In quarantine-

Christ is Risen!!

Amid Covid-19-

Christ is Risen!!!

For such a time as this-

Christ is Risen Indeed!!!!

Good morning SALT of the Earth. 

This lesson is on what I call, “The Big Switch”. 

Today, you will ignorantly hear thousands of “Happy Easters”.  The same way you ignorantly, and erroneously heard people say “Happy” Good Friday, and/or “Happy” Passion Week. Don’t be mad with them. Understand their act for the ignorance it is. They may not true Believers, as they claim, and so wouldn’t know.  Also, many churches have never actually taught on this. There has been lots, and lots of preaching on this. But, little to no real “teaching”. That ignorance is pervasive.  And yes, tha is an indictment against the church. We must do better, and hold teachers of the word accountable. 

     The reason we don’t say those things is because they trivialize what Jesus went through on, and on His way to, Calvary.  There’s nothing happy about the scourge (torture/beatings) that He endured during Passion Week. And, certainly nothing Happy about Jesus Dying on the cross. The result is Glorious! That’s why it is perfectly appropriate to say Happy Resurrection Day!

The word “Easter” appears only once in the Bible, and that is in Acts 12:4. And, of course it has nothing at all to do with Jesus. It refers to the Hebrew holiday  “Passover”.  

Easter was the Pagan Goddess of fertility.——(Ēostre

According to Bede in his “De temporum ratione” (“The Reckoning of Time”), the Christian holiday “was called after a goddess of theirs named Ēostre, in whose honor feasts were celebrated in that month.” Ēostre is variously depicted by scholars as a fertility goddess and a goddess of dawn and light. Apr 5, 2015

The Times of Israel › the-pagan-god...

The pagan goddess behind the holiday of 'Easter')——

     That’s how it was switched on us. It’s why many of us still this very day hide eggs, and give rabbits (chocolate or real). Both symbols of fertility, and again have nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus. 

      So, I challenge all believers to take a stand. A small, but loud stand.  To only say, “Happy Resurrection Day” If/when someone says, “Happy Easter” to us.  We reply with LOVE, “Happy Resurrection Day.” They will get it. And if not, share with them what I’ve shared with you here. 

Prayer: Thank you Lord for exposing truth. May I take it and share with others so that we can walk in victory. 

In Jesus’ name, 


Happy Resurrection Day!


We love you and we are praying with and for you. 

~Rev., Dr. Erroyl, and Min. Pinky McGinty

Thursday, April 2, 2020

God wants your best!

God wants your best!

Genesis 4,offering,Cain and Abel,What God requires

God never requires more than what you already have... In Genesis 4:7 He asks Cain,  "If you do your best, will not I accept you?" In other words, all He asks of us is the best from what we already have, not our leftovers.  The expectation is found earlier in chapter 4 of Genesis by the mentioning of Cain's vocation. He was a tiller of the soil: a farmer. Our best is not that time we fit into our schedules, or the offering that we give after having paid our bills, and other expenses. Can we not plan to serve God with our time, talents, and treasure just as we plan parties, a guy’s night out, or to buy expensive items? Why is it that we can boast about work attendance and punctuality, we make sure our children go to school everyday, but we cannot seem to make it to church on time? Is that our best? Is that really what we give to God?
The adjective used to describe the fruit that Cain gave to God was "some". Is that what we give God "some" fruit? Nothing special, not the best, just "some" fruit. (On a sidenote, there are some who would argue that Cain’s sacrifice should have been one of blood. Because, in the Hebrew tradition there is no forgiveness without blood. That’s how we get to Jesus by the way. However, in the situation in Genesis 4, we don’t know the purpose of the offering. I believe their occupations were listed and then commented upon with God’s favor, or not, as a clue to the type of offering that was required of them. When we check both ideas against scripture Heb 11, they both stand well.)
God required a calf from Abel, because Abel raised animals. He required fruits from Cain, because Cain was a tiller of the ground. Notice that He did not require Abel to give fruit, nor Cain to give from a flock. If you want to know what God requires of you, look within. He’s already placed it in your care. Be it your writings, cooking, or singing, your listening ear to hurting persons, event organizing, praying, or serving. God did not place that gift in you simply so that you could sustain an Earthly life. Whatever it is, remember that you should give a portion to God, and when you give God His portion, it must be your best--in order for it and you, to be accepted by the Lord. Look again at what Abel gave to God. It was the first born from his flock, and the fattest of the firstborn. He gave God the best of the best. And that's what we should do with who we are, and what we give to God.
Another part of that scripture (Gen 4) tells how Cain was feeling after this offering. His countenance had fallen. In other words he felt rejected, and miserable because of it. Don't we feel the same way after we give God less than our best? When we present God with a version of ourselves that is not the best we can be, don't we feel our countenance has fallen? Hmmmm.

We love you, and we are praying for you.
~SALT, Pastor Erroyl and Sis. Pinky

Sis. Pinky's prayer:

Almighty God, maker of heaven and earth, we thank you for placing spiritual gifts in us. Help us to give you our best at all times, especially when it's sacrificial. Let us not allow worldly things to get us distracted nor self created idols to take the place of You. We thank you for being patient, loving, merciful, and full of grace. 

In Jesus' name we pray,
