Sunday, August 2, 2020

Relationship with God

When preaching, I often speak about having a relationship with God. I talk about the importance of developing, and sustaining the relationship. This should be paramount and priority in the life of every Christian. You can't have a relationship with God without spending time with Him and studying His word. Just like you can't get physically fit without exercising and eating right. You need both. If you eat right, but don't exercise at all, your muscles get weaker and your skin may become saggy. If you only exercise, your arteries and organs become polluted by the content of your poor food choices. One works on the outside, the other works on the inside. Both are important, and work well in tandem. You can't continue doing neither, or only one of them and expect grand, sustainable results.

Spiritually, spending time with God softens us; it breaks away the layers of cynicism, hurt, and pessimism added onto us by our circumstances and environments.  Being in the Master's presence gives us the heart power we need to love Him and others. Adopting His love allows us to not only love others, but also helps us to forgive. This is because, "love covers a multitude of sin." 1 Peter 4:8. How do we spend time with Him? Enter into His presence? We do this by Praying, Serving, Praising, and Worshiping Him. Singing and playing music is a great conduit for this, but not necessary. You can enter His presence by simply talking with Him. He wants to hear from you.

Studying His word increases faith (faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God Romans 10:17) and we need faith to please Him. It also helps us to recognize His voice. (My sheep know my voice..) That word 'know' is the same as when "Adam knew Eve" and "depart from me I never knew you". It's a word that signifies intimacy. We must really consider if we know Him. Have we studied enough to where we can distinguish His voice amongst the competing noise of the world? How to accomplish this? Get yourself a good study bible. Get a version that you can understand. Do not feel bad, or embarrassed if the wording is complicated, or difficult to understand. The point of a study bible is found in the margins. For example, in many of them, much of the historical significance is explained in the margins. Also, references and definitions (or where to find them) can be found in the margins. You can, and should seek others who are like-minded. In other words, get into a bible study group.

There are many translations and versions. The more you study, the more you'll understand. He will speak to you through His word. He will reveal Himself, and His will to you as you read. Why do you need both? Well, if you only study you might become legalistic, dogmatic, and unfeeling. This is a problem today, but also happened a lot to people in the Bible. If you only pray, praise, and worship you might be deceived or swayed (tossed to and fro as in Ephesians 4:13-14) due to a lack of knowledge and spiritual maturity. We must do both! Spend time with the Father by praising, serving, worshipping, and praying...AND studying His word. Really get into the Bible, and see what He wants to say to you through His word. Get to 'know' Him. Get intimate with Him.

We love you, and we are praying for you. 

~Pastor, Dr. Erroyl McGinty, Jr.

Sis. Pinky's Prayer: 

Heavenly Father, thank you for drawing us close to you. May we never become complacent in our relationship with you. We love you and give you praise!

In Jesus’ name, 


(Please contact us if you would like suggestions on versions of the bible, and local bible study groups. We are always happy to point you in the right direction. The chart below is a spectrum, and can help you get started)
Link to chart.