You may think as I did, that all of the time I spent with the department of defense while in turkey, and Japan with the US military and pastoring, would have some appropriated accreditation towards this process. However, while it does mentally, emotionally, and certainly spiritually does; it does not in terms of accreditation. At least from what I’ve discovered.
So, I ask for grace as this process continues. I certainly believe that I am following the calling of the Lord. While I was in turkey, I tried to join the military as a chaplain. However, having been born with sickle cell disease immediately disqualify me from that prospect. The thought occurred to me again while in Japan, and a friend, who was in the process of becoming a chaplain, became injured and introduced me to the world to which I am now involved. This particular process was shortly thereafter solidified by my father in the ministry.
While there is certainly more to come in terms of devotions, sermons, songs, theological ramblings, discussions, and motivational writings. Things, may be a bit scarce for a while.
As always though, I am completely open to questions and topics that arise in your hearts. Feel free to contact and ask.
~Dr. McGinty 🎶