Saturday, December 27, 2014

Being made by God, in the Potter's Hands

Psalm 139:14  says that we are, "fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful." That means that you and I are made by the most high God with care and consideration, and that we are individually purposed in that making. Your purpose in life is not the same as mine. 

Like the good potter that God is, He continues to shape, reshape, add pressure and water when needed, and reshape us again, and again into the vessels that He needs us to be. And, even within that, there are seasons in which we have to be made into different shapes for the different purposes of that particular season. Our response to that pressure, water, and reshaping shows our maturity (or lack thereof) and character. The pressure may be added to remove an imperfection in our character or attitude. Water made be added to smooth out a rough spot or two in our personality or demeanor, or fill-in a crack in our emotional make-up. That's right, even a cracked vessel can be made like new in the Master's hands.

So, don't feel bad for too long if you respond incorrectly to that pressure, because God is not finished working on you.  
But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. 5 Then the word of the Lord came to me. 6 He said, “Can I not do with you?" ~Jeremiah 18

Sometimes as He is reshaping us, that pressure that the Potter applies is painful. And beyond that, there's a hardening process, and then the heat of the kiln.  Take a good look at this picture. Think about the different shapes, sizes, and most importantly uses of the vessels. They are all unique, but all had to go through the shaping, stretching, hardening, and the fire of the kiln. In other words, you will have to go through tests, and trials, up and downs, the valley and mountaintops in the process that is your life.! But the process ends with a beautiful, strong, (and here is the most important part) USABLE vessel.  Amen.

Are you pliable enough for the Master to shape you?
 Can God use you?

I love you and I am praying for you.

~Pastor Erroyl


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014

In this season that we look to the coming of Jesus, Advent, and celebrate His birth we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas, from our family to yours!

May God bless you, and keep you.
Merry Christmas,

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Falling Asleep

In the book of Matthew 26, Jesus asks His disciples to come to the garden and watch and pray 'with' Him. After Jesus goes deeper into the garden to pray alone, He comes back and finds that his disciples have fallen asleep. Wow.It occurs to me that falling asleep after Jesus has asked you to do something is a dreadfully terrible place in which to be. We see in the disciples that they not only fell asleep once, but again after Jesus admonishes them. 

Falling asleep can be a dangerous thing. Think of being asleep here, as a metaphor for anything that distracts you from the purpose that God has called you to do. (name your distractors.… TV, video games, Facebook, Internet, etc.) So, have you fallen asleep?

I think the saddest part about this is not that the disciples fell asleep after being told not to, but rather that Jesus had to bear the burden alone after asking for help. His words were that He was overwhelmed to the point of death.“My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me." That's pretty big right? Jesus then took the responsibility away from the disciples.
People will often say "what God has for me, it is for me". And, while that is a true statement, it doesn't mean it's a permanent statement.The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. (Book of Job) By the time his disciples had even realized that they had let Jesus down again, Judas and the armed guards were rushing into the garden to arrest Jesus. Peter try to defend Jesus by attacking one of the guards, but it was too little too late. Next that we hear of the disciples in this passage is that they fled. Are you now running away?

At that moment their ministry was gone.

Now, the good news is that Jesus is a restorer. He restores them with the great commission, (Peter and John got individual restorations as well ). Even if/when we fall asleep, Jesus can give us the opportunity to get it right. Several opportunities in fact. But, don't be fooled, that does not mean it will always be there for you. (Just in case you want a biblical reference look up Elijah. See how his illustrious ministry ended).

I love you and I am praying for you..

~Pastor Erroyl

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Of course I'm stubborn- I'm right!

Ever called yourself stubborn? Have you ever refused to do what you know to be right, because of fear, pride, or because of the principle? 
According to the bible, God sees stubbornness as the (hidden) sin of idolatry. (1 Sam 15:23 ...stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry). Put simply, that means when you act stubbornly, that you are idolizing yourself, and placing yourself above God.  Can you say self-check? 
We must be honest with ourselves and see how our behavior is not godly. 
Let us stop disguising, or in some cases confusing, our iniquities as Type A personalities, tenacity, or perseverance with SELF-Worship..

Here's a challenge for you. The next time that you are being stubborn about something, take a look in the mirror. See if your facial features are distorted at all. See if you look a bit childish. 

I love you, and I am praying for you.
~Pastor Erroyl

Monday, December 8, 2014

In a Rough Place? There is purpose in your pain!

Are you in a rough place? Are you in a place of lack? Turmoil, or tribulation? A wilderness perhaps?
There are a myriad of circumstances that come up in our lives that can be absolutely devastating to us. The effect can hurt us emotionally, financially, physically, socially, and spiritually. In fact, such an event can lead us into a wilderness. A place of destitution. A place that is seemingly without hope.
But, there is hope. I've got great news for you! There is purpose in your pain

In the book of Exodus chapter 4 verse 27 the Lord told Aaron "go into to the desert to meet Moses." Isn't that odd? God sent someone into a place like the desert or wilderness to seek help. Why not at someone's home, or at the water well? Only a sovereign and all powerful God would send you into a place like a desert to get help. Only God can send you into what, at all appearances, look to be a state of detriment in order to supply your need!

Moses was in the desert to get help, Aaron was in the desert to be help. Which one are you? Why are you there? Why has God lead you into this wilderness?
Be encouraged, as you are going into these times/places understanding that God has a purpose for you being there. You never know, your help just might be in the desert!
I bet you're wondering about the result of this meeting in the desert… At the end of verse 31, after this powwow in the desert, the Children of Israel bowed their heads and worshiped.
I love you, and I am praying for you.
~Pastor Erroyl

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Benefit in Suffering?

Suffering can make you feel like a prisoner. Dealing with painful situations to the point where we would deem the situation to be suffering can be absolutely oppressive.
Maybe a perspective shift is in order. When you suffer, what does it produce in you? What do YOU get from it? Do you wallow in suffering, do you allow it to make your spirits fall? Do you question God with a , "why me"? Do you become bitter, hateful, or self-loathing? 
"...glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame,... " Romans 5:3-5

The Bible teaches us here that there are positive attributes to suffering. If, we are able to change our perspectives to see the big picture. And by big, I mean God-sized! Perseverance, character, and hope. Going through, or living in a sufferable circumstance and seeing things from His perspective produces Perseverance, Character, and Hope.
Understand that God may have you in a particular place, and position for any number of reasons. One such reason is to learn.
Here's a good list to think about when faced with adversity. Don't be too fast to:
  1.  Blame the devil, 
  2.  Stay, 
  3.  or Go... 
We give too much credit to the devil, the enemy. I find that God's name(s) is mentioned far more times than Satan's in the Bible. That proportion should be reflected in our lives as well. Regardless of the situation, we should look for God in it first1 Seek God while in the hardship, and you just might see Him working things to your good. Give God glory for trusting you enough to go through the hardship. Satan can do nothing without permission from God. So stop giving the enemy credit, and give God praise!
Regardless of what it looks like to others, if God has you planted in a painful situation- you stay planted. The pain might be coming from finances, from people, from your job, living situation, or from a relationship. Ask God to show you the benefit in the suffering. Ask Him why you are in the situation, what should you learn from the pain. Stay Planted!

Likewise, regardless of what it looks like to others, -if God says go, you go. Many times we like to get comfortable in a place even after our mission there is completed. (God says go here, build a bridge. After the bridge is up, you start working on a toll both for it, then a neighboring community center). When God says go, go. We may have caused the suffering ourselves by staying too long. if God says go, you go

Allow God's work in you to be matured through whatever process He chooses; wherever He might have you. It might be suffering, it might be a storm, or wilderness experience... Pray, listen, and be wise enough to know when it's time make camp, and when it's time to break camp. Suffering in a situation- be it physical pain, emotional strife, or situational turmoil is probably God's prescription for you. The wisdom to know will come from God. It might be from a blog, a FB posting, in a conversation, reading the Bible, or a sermon, but look for His voice in it... His purpose for you, and His plan for you in the situation.

I love you, and I am praying for you,
Pastor Erroyl

Friday, November 28, 2014

What's That Behind You?

Some people say that you should not look behind you. "Don't look back, you're not going that way." But, I disagree. I believe in learning from what's back there. But, more importantly, the things pursuing you, sometimes stalking you from your past can dictate your present actions, and future outcomes.

So, what do you see when you look back? Do you see your past failures, or mistakes. Maybe, your past sins, or sins committed against you. Do you find yourself holding on to the pain of transgressions, abuses, failed relationships, crimes, hardships, addictions? Why?  Here's what a life with Christ at the center promises is following (behind) you:
Psalm 23:6 (NKJV) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me- All the days of my life" 
It's hard to forgive those who've hurt you, harder still sometimes to forgive yourself. But, God forgave you; if you earnestly asked for forgiveness. You should forgive yourself too, and extend forgiveness. His mercy endures forever. Goodness and mercy are following you for all the days of your life. That's forever! 
Live free from your past mistakes. And, live free from the inflicted pain from others. Ask God for forgiveness right now, forgive those who've hurt you, turn away from (stop) your sins, love again, and take the posture that comes with liberty. Don't live a life of condemnation because of what you've done, or what was done to you. Don't allow mistakes to shackle you to your past. Those chains, if allowed, can keep you from fellowship with the Father. 
So, when I look back I don't see my past failures. I see Goodness and Mercy following me! Hallelujah. I don't see the slip ups, mess ups, stumbles, betrayal, backstabbings, or backsliding. I see His Goodness, and I see His Mercy - following ME!  What do you see?
I love you, and I'm praying for your freedom!
~Pastor Erroyl

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Being the Standard, Living for God

In this day and age, one of the hardest things to do is live. Living for convictions, standards, and morals is a difficult thing. It's not easy to tell your loved ones no: No we can't wear clothes like that, no we can't watch that TV show, no we don't listen to that kind of music, no we do not celebrate that, no we can't watch that movie... But that's what Christians are called to do. How often do we placate to our children, and show less of Christ and spread the myths and images of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny? Do we celebrate the evils of Halloween, look away and say it's only good fun? Do we dress just like, act just like, and subsequently look just like non-believers. 

We are called to be different, we are called to be the standard by which sinners can see the holiness, power, and love of Christ. If we look just like the world, then why should the world want Christ? We have to be a standard. A "standard" in the bible is a banner, figurehead, or flag atop a pole that announces the oncoming king's army. If we are the standard for our King, what does the flag of our life say we stand for? We must be intentional in the way we live, and for whom we live. 

I love you, and I'm praying for you.
~Pastor Erroyl

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Transformed? New Creature? Have you jumped in?

John: 21  (you will have to read the entire chapter before this post will make total sense..)
So, the Bible talks about us being new creatures, having new birth, all things being new, etc. in other words, transformed and/or transfigured.

What evidence is there that we are transformed? We cannot assume just because a person goes to church, or attends a weekly Bible study, etc. that they are truly transformed. Just because we walk with Jesus for any length of time, does it automatically mean that our life will truly reflect that we are new creatures?

Here in the book of John we see the disciples; they have been with Jesus for the length of his Earthly ministry.  They witnessed his ministry, miracles, death, burial and, resurrection. By the time we get to Chapter 21 of John they have seen him twice after his death. Yet, here they are not out spreading the good news. But rather, they are fishing. They are back to doing what they did before knowing Christ. They have allowed something to return them to their former lives. 

Think about that. They had been with Jesus for two years, they had seen blind men's eyes opened, they had seen lame men walk again, multitudes fed, Lazarus raised from the dead yet they went back to their normal lives. Maybe it was grief, maybe they felt they had some sort of mass hallucinative experience, and didn't actually see Jesus two times after the work on the cross was finished.  Maybe that's why the Scripture says they didn't dare to ask.. Is that us? Even after being with Christ, after witnessing His power, after seeing a person delivered from alcohol, drugs, abusive situations we still allow something to draw us back to our former selves. 

I ask the question again, what evidence is there? In this chapter of the Bible, there is a portion that we as preachers call "The Restoration of Peter". This is the scene where Jesus asked Peter three times if he loves Him. But, immediately before that we see that John recognizes the man on the shore as Jesus. Peter jumped into the water and swims toward him (are you excited enough to plunge all the way in towards Jesus?). I firmly believe that Peter was guilt ridden, and could not start the ministry that Jesus placed in him until he had released his guilt. (is that a revelation for you? Are you holding onto something that is preventing you from fulfilling the mission that Jesus has given you?)

I believe it was not until this restoration that the disciples were truly transformed. The very next chapter, and book of the Bible is Acts. (Acts of the Apostles) Peter starts off on fire immediately after he is restored by Jesus, and by chapter 2 of Acts, Peter was preaching to a great multitude and 5000 people were saved. This is when they began to do what Jesus had instructed them to do. Evidence of their transformation was when they stopped being who they were, and transformed into who they were supposed to be.
And that is also true for us. 

I Love you, and I am praying for you.
~Pastor Erroyl

Friday, November 7, 2014

Why do they hate me?

Have you ever asked yourself, "Why do they hate me?"

The obvious answer is, the hated Jesus; you look like Him, so they hate you. And that's certainly true, but let's look more closely. Digging deeper... In Romans 2, Paul explains why we are ill-equipped to judge. He states that this is because we are participants in sin. Our vision is skewed and warped. Therefore any judgment we give will be skewed and warped as well. God's judgment is just. Utterly and completely just. Paul then asks do you hate God's riches because it leads to repentance? Understanding that God's judgement for the righteous results in riches, long suffering, and forbearance. In other words, the result is God's favor. 
So they hate you, despite having all the world could offer, because they long for what God offers. But, they refuse to give up the world and accept God, because He demands repentance. Repentance means to 'turn from'. He requires that those who receive His favor, turn from the world, and towards Him. 
Keep being the example, and reflecting Christ's light so they see His works in you. They might be changed!!!

I love you, and I am praying for you.
~Pastor Erroyl

Presenting Truth

Proverbs 3:3-4 NKJV
[3] Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart, [4] And so find favor and high esteem In the sight of God and man.
We live in a world where people want right, without truth. Even if someone does not believe that something is true, that doesn't make it so. You might not believe that Your average-looking, spending neighbor is a a millionaire, but that doesn't make it any less true (smile). Just like some people will not believe that Jesus is THE Truth, doesn't make it any less true. They want to be right, they want to live right, and they want lives that are right, but they will reject truth. Or, they will try to accept parts of the truth. But, they reject the harder parts of the truth. That's why you will hear many people talk about God, but not Jesus! They will talk of being spiitual, but not about faith. They will talk about giving, but rarely about sacrifice. 
Solomon tells us in this Proverb, that by wearing Truth and Mercy, bound to our necks, and written in our hearts, that we will gain favor in the sight of God. Notice that if something is bound to your neck it cannot be easily removed, likewise if something is written on your heart. 
As we go out and minister to people, yes we must present the truth, but at the same time we must have mercy for their ignorance of the truth.
That's a very difficult thing to do. It can certainly be frustrating when people are constantly requiring new mercy from us as finite beings. So, how do we do this? Go back to that Proverb and look at the verse 5. Hallelujah!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Chosen by God

    A friend of mine expressed that she felt like she was often the second choice. She didn't think that she was the first choice for her job, and she heard that her husband wasn't the first choice for his work in ministry. She felt like it was a recurring theme in her life.
    I encouraged her to remember King Saul (from book of 1 Sam 10) was the king the people wanted. He was perfect in the eyes of man. He was tall, and good looking. God chose David. As the youngest he was considered the lowliest of his family, and the most unqualified by man's standards. 
  God has very different things that He looks for when He choses a person. So, if you've found yourself thinking that you were not the first choice by man, remember that God chose you for His purposes. He makes NO mistakes and qualifies YOU to do what He commissioned you to do. He has placed you (planted you) where you are for a reason. You might be second-best in the eyes of men, but you are the apple of God's eye!
   So.....whose opinion do you value? The people who wanted the Good-looking, coward for a king and rejected Jehovah.. Or The Great I Am??
  I love you, and I am praying for you...
~Pastor Erroyl

Monday, November 3, 2014

Purposing Life

In John 21 We find Peter, a disciple of Jesus, about to go fishing. At first glance you might think, "well, there's nothing wrong with going fishing. Peter had to eat." The issue is not what he was doing, but rather what he was not doing. Peter was not fulfilling his purpose in life. He went back to what was comfortable to him (Peter was a professional fisherman up until he started to follow Jesus). Further troubling, is that this occurs after twice seeing the resurrected Jesus. 
For us: How often do we slip back into our old lives of comfort and sin, even after an encounter (or two) with Jesus? When there's a physical, worldly pull on us do we ignore our calling, and revert to the old person we used to be; back to our old lives? Do we stop fishing for men, and resume fishing Do We subvert from spiritual back to Physical.. 
Later in this chapter, beginning at verse 15, we have what's known as "The Restoration of Peter." This is where Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him three times. Let's look at Jesus' command to Peter here. He says, if you love me.. then "feed my sheep".. in other words, if you say that you love me, then why are you NOT what I made you to be? I said, I'd make you a fisher of men, and I did.. So what are you doing outside of your purpose?
God has made us all with a purpose. Let us not slip back into old habits, old lives, and old ways... We have had encounters with The Lord Jesus. He has changed us, and we need to live in the purpose for which we were fashioned! If He has made you a singer, sing! A writer, write! A teacher, teach! An usher, greet, guide, and smile!
I love you, and I am praying for you.
~Pastor Erroyl

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Not Condemned!

In Romans chapter 7 Paul tells us that we have a sinful nature. By this he means, that our bodies are already fallen and prone to sin. He explains that "the things that he wants to do he doesn't do, and the things that he should not do, those things he practices." He is letting us know the difficulty we will have in fighting flesh. In other words, the things that he wants to do that are pleasing to God, he finds it difficult to do those things because of the sinful nature of flesh. And, conversely, the things that he does not want to do, which are pleasing to the flesh, he finds those things easily accomplished. 
After making such a poignant statement he comes back and begins chapter 8 with "there is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus." This is his way of saying that regardless of our sinful nature, our past, and even our future mistakes we have no reason to condemn ourselves. It is in Christ Jesus that we find that we are, in fact, redeemed from sin and subsequently death.
Hallelujah anyone??
I love you, and I'm praying for you. 
~Pastor Erroyl

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pleasing God or Pleasing Man?

"Gal 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ."
    You can't be a people pleaser and a bondservant of Christ at the same time. It's important to learn the difference between serving others as a Christian, and being a people pleaser. People pleasing typically starts with compromise, and ends with frustration. You alter your commitments, promises, or pledges. The end result often leaves you as the "bad guy" or the "fall guy".  Serving others for Christ has intentionality, purpose, and most often won't require a compromise. 
   Example: I find it difficult to say "no" when people ask for help. Especially in my "areas". This leads to issues with time management. It's caused strife in my home in the past. I miss events in my family's life, either because I'm not there, mentally, or I'm too tired if I am there. My wife and I have agreed that I must carefully monitor the things on my calendar, and the guard the margins fiercely. Soon after this decision, Sis Jones asks if I can lead next semester's men's small group because Bro. Larry has to cancel. "Of course I can. Glad to help." Before I know it, I've eroded the margins of my time, and cheated my family out of my time. 
   Reality check- You cannot please everyone, and you certainly cannot continually keep people happy...not if you are a Christian that is. Why? because, the Gospel is offensive to sin. And wherever you go and whatever you do, if you are carrying the gospel with/in you, just by being Christ-like, it will offend sin and those living in sin. And the offended will take it out on you. in effect, when you seek to please people you are in a bondservant to them. Something hinges on their happiness, and that keeps you in bonds. 
   I'd rather please God, and be bound in Him. How about you?
I love you, and I am praying for you 
~Pastor Erroyl

Friday, October 17, 2014

Family Line

According to 1st Peter 1:23, when you accept Christ your lineage changes from a flawed, persishable bloodline to a bloodline of incorruptible seed. Accepting Chirst is more than just saying it by the way.. You need a heart transplant, and a blood transfusion.. . v22 says "you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love, loving others from the heart"
I notice that many people teach on generational curses, but not on the adoption into Christ's bloodline, and repudiation of your natural bloodline. Is that being/acting super spiritual? I don't think so.. No, it does not counteract the previous things that God said would come to past. 
For example, if God said that a burden is to be carried for three generations in your family... then that will happen. God can't lie. But what it does mean, is this:
Just because my father was a _____, and his father was the same a_____, and even his father before him was also that same sort of  _____... I do NOT have to be a ____ like them. In fact, if I accept Christ, and continue to live in that bloodline consisting of that _____, then I need to question if I really accepted Christ? If so, then that means that I am CHOOSING to live within the precepts of that corruptible seed. And I don't have to. 
I don't have to stay in a cursed bloodline. Christ's seed in supernatural, and perfect. Therefore it is incurruptable. 
Why not accept Christ into your heart and live beyond the confines of your natural limitations?
Amen? Amen. 
I love you, and I am praying for you.
~Pastor Erroyl

Activate Your Faith

On this day, give a little bit of attention to your faith. Activate the thing that God gave you a measure of, that gets Jesus to say, "Because of your faith, you are__________ (healed, forgiven, etc..). I don't know about you, but I've got some things to put in that blank that need to be moved, eradicated, and then forgotten. It appears to me that, throughout his ministry, Jesus did some amazing things at the showing of faith (I.e. The woman with the issue of blood, the invalid lowered by his friends, to name a couple). 
Believe God for the miracles in your life, appreciate the sufferings for His name sake, and share the blessings with others. All three of those things are might be hard to do. Some things are harder for some people.. but by faith many great things have been done through out history. (Read Hebrews 11..Hebrews 11 is known as the Faith Hall of Fame among preachers. It practically preaches itself).. 
Why not add your name to that list of people who, by faith, did great things! How? Simply begin to trust God with little things in your life. Gradually build your faith. See if He won't show Himself faithful to righteous, earnest requests that are in His will. 
I love you, and I am praying for you.
Pastor Erroyl

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hear and do...

If you read in the book of Ruth, chapter 1, you will find that after Naomi's husband and sons passed away, that she moved. 
Have you ever thought about why she moved? Or better yet, why she moved where she was moving to (Moab)? The Scriptures say that she was moving because she HEARD that the Lord had visited His people there. 

Have you thought about the discomfort it must have caused her to leave? After all, she and her family had been there for quite a while. They were there long enough for each of her sons to get married, her husband to die, and both her sons to die. Yet, because she HEARD about the works of God, she WENT. 

The lesson for us here is two fold:
1) First, we should always listen for the works of the Lord. Listen for occurrences where God has moved in someone else's life. It's encouraging. What Naomi heard was, not that God was still present there in Moab, but that He had visited there (That's past tense). In other words, she was moving based on God showing Himself mighty in someone else's life. She was basing her move of faith on someone else's testimony. 
2) We should not hesitate to share what God has done in our lives. We should constantly look for opportunities to share our testimony with others. Why? Because, we don't know if there is a Naomi somewhere waiting and listening for our testimony in order for her faith to be activated.

Is God telling you to step out on faith? Is He telling you to move? What is it that the Lord is saying to you through the story of Naomi?

I love you, and I am praying for you. 
~Pastor Erroyl

Monday, October 13, 2014

Get some rest!

Get some rest! 

We live in a world where we are always going, going, going. We ALLOW The pressures of life to dictate a warp-speed pace for us. We are stressed, depressed, and oppressed by things which we should have dominion over. We seldom take the time we need for our bodies to recuperate, for our minds to rejuvenate, or for our souls to simply relax. In fact, we go so much that we threatened to run ourselves ragged. So, what does the Bible say about resting? 
Our God is all about reaping and sewing. (that's working), but he is also a God of balance. That is where the Sabbath comes in to play. After God created the world, after he'd done all of the awesome and majestic things that we read in the book of Genesis Ch 1, He then creates the Sabbath; which, in a nutshell, means resting from work. He sanctified it- called it holy (Gen 2:1-3). You to say that in the entire Bible the first thing to ever be called holy is the Sabbath? Hmmm.  I find this of great significance. It means that we certainly should observe a holy period of rest.

We are supposed to rest. How can we renew our minds daily, when we are always thinking about the day that has just passed, and stresses and stressors of a tomorrow that may never come?  God observed the Sabbath as an entire day. (food for thought, right?) So, what the Bible says about resting is that we should remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. (Ex 20:8) I know that our calendar may not be aligned with the original Hebrew calendar, and that our work schedules may not permit an entire day of resting or resting on the recognized sabbaths (Saturday or Sunday). I believe what's important is the concept of a regularly scheduled period of rest. We must, as with many things in this life, PLAN to rest. That's right, schedule in your time of rest. Plan it into week (each day if you have to).
Now, there is a consequence for not resting. Have you ever read the 23rd Psalm? verse two says "he MAKES me to lie down in the green pastures". That doesn't sound like an option to me. It seems to me that because our God is our provider, The good Shepherd, He will make sure that we get everything that we need, including rest, whether or not we want it. But, because He is a good God -He provides us rest in "green" pastures.

Get some rest!

I love you, and I am praying for you.
~Pastor Erroyl

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Welcome to the new home of SALT Ministries

Hello everyone,
   and thank you for visiting the new home of Salt Ministries. Starting right now, this will be where God's word will be discussed, disseminated, and lived. Please feel free to offer comments, suggestions, and insight as the Holy Spirit leads.

I love you, and I am praying for you.
~Dr. Erroyl McGinty Jr., Pastor
SALT Ministries