Saturday, November 15, 2014

Transformed? New Creature? Have you jumped in?

John: 21  (you will have to read the entire chapter before this post will make total sense..)
So, the Bible talks about us being new creatures, having new birth, all things being new, etc. in other words, transformed and/or transfigured.

What evidence is there that we are transformed? We cannot assume just because a person goes to church, or attends a weekly Bible study, etc. that they are truly transformed. Just because we walk with Jesus for any length of time, does it automatically mean that our life will truly reflect that we are new creatures?

Here in the book of John we see the disciples; they have been with Jesus for the length of his Earthly ministry.  They witnessed his ministry, miracles, death, burial and, resurrection. By the time we get to Chapter 21 of John they have seen him twice after his death. Yet, here they are not out spreading the good news. But rather, they are fishing. They are back to doing what they did before knowing Christ. They have allowed something to return them to their former lives. 

Think about that. They had been with Jesus for two years, they had seen blind men's eyes opened, they had seen lame men walk again, multitudes fed, Lazarus raised from the dead yet they went back to their normal lives. Maybe it was grief, maybe they felt they had some sort of mass hallucinative experience, and didn't actually see Jesus two times after the work on the cross was finished.  Maybe that's why the Scripture says they didn't dare to ask.. Is that us? Even after being with Christ, after witnessing His power, after seeing a person delivered from alcohol, drugs, abusive situations we still allow something to draw us back to our former selves. 

I ask the question again, what evidence is there? In this chapter of the Bible, there is a portion that we as preachers call "The Restoration of Peter". This is the scene where Jesus asked Peter three times if he loves Him. But, immediately before that we see that John recognizes the man on the shore as Jesus. Peter jumped into the water and swims toward him (are you excited enough to plunge all the way in towards Jesus?). I firmly believe that Peter was guilt ridden, and could not start the ministry that Jesus placed in him until he had released his guilt. (is that a revelation for you? Are you holding onto something that is preventing you from fulfilling the mission that Jesus has given you?)

I believe it was not until this restoration that the disciples were truly transformed. The very next chapter, and book of the Bible is Acts. (Acts of the Apostles) Peter starts off on fire immediately after he is restored by Jesus, and by chapter 2 of Acts, Peter was preaching to a great multitude and 5000 people were saved. This is when they began to do what Jesus had instructed them to do. Evidence of their transformation was when they stopped being who they were, and transformed into who they were supposed to be.
And that is also true for us. 

I Love you, and I am praying for you.
~Pastor Erroyl

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