Friday, January 30, 2015

On the subject of Praying - Just Pray!

Prayer is the believer's life-line. Yet, many of us have never really been taught how to pray. And sadly many are afraid to pray. Mostly, the fear is of "bad form" (if you will). Should my eyes be closed, or opened? Hands lifted, or clasped? Kneeling? (And, the big one) How long should I pray? The long and short of it all is... pray. No matter how you do it; Just pray.
Don't be intimidated to pray. When Jesus taught the model prayer (formerly known as the Lord's Prayer, or the Our Father) it lasts for what.. 2 minutes maybe? And Jesus' prayer in John 17, even if you stretch it out, it tops out at 5 minutes.

      What's important is that you express to God what's on your heart. Just Pray.
Talk to God from your heart... Make it conversational. Don't use useless repetitions when you pray. This happens a lot in the church setting... (Father God, we love you Father God, as you are Father God.. and you know all things Father God, and also Father God). Jesus actually says not to do this in Matthew 6:7, but when we are nervous, or our prayers are aimed at impressing others, or we are worried about saving face then we use those types of buffers. 
     Pomp and circumstance are not needed when talking to your father. Take your time, be sincere and Just pray. There's no need for grandeur in your prayers. There's no need for timidity either. He is your Father and He cares about you, and you don't need to be shy why when praying to Him. God hears the smallest cries of His children as well as the loud ones. He doesn't favor the boisterous over the meek. The more you do it, the easier it'll become, and the more you'll love it. How long to pray? An hour of prayer will net what God grants. He is sovereign.. so that means that a 30-second prayer will net what God grants as well. Do NOT be intimidated by long, ceremonious prayers, and do not feel obligated to pray in that manner either.  Yes, God is the King of Kings and deserves all due respect, but because of Jesus, we have the right to call Him Abba, Father.

Your Father loves you, and is waiting to converse with you about anything that's on your heart. Just Pray! 

One last thing; be sure to make time to listen as well. The conversations should NOT be one-sided. Though He is the perfect listener, He has something to tell you also! Keep your ears (heart) open. 
Sis. Pinky’s Prayer:
Thank you God for the opportunities to come before your throne as we are- sinful, broken, hurt, even ungrateful at times. We know that it's a privilege to share what's on our hearts with you. Please continue to draw us close to You so we can converse with our daddy.

It's in the magnificent name of Jesus we pray, 

I love you, and I am praying for you.
~Pastor Erroyl

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