Monday, February 23, 2015

Why Lord, am I going through?

Once, while studying the Book of Job, I was going through a week that was tough for me personally, professionally, and spiritually. My body was attacked, my family was attacked with injuries and sicknesses, it was a busy week for me at the school where I taught, and a friend and co-laborer in the ministry passed away. It was a lot to handle at one time. I felt overwhelmed, and exasperated. 
In asking God through prayer to shed some light on this chaotic time, He taught me this through Job. Job was tested, tried, and trusted because he was a good man, and God's servant. God knew that Job could pass the tests thrown his way.. Tests, oh by the way, that God allowed to be thrown his way. Think about that. Job did not go through everything that he went through because he was a bad man, or that he had sinned. It was quite the opposite. The bible says that Job was blameless and upright. In other words, he had done nothing wrong at all.
It's that way with us as well. God allows Satan to test us, to temp us, to cause some turmoil in our lives... not as punishment, and not because of our faults and flaws. Now you might be thinking, "why would God allow this?"
We have to try to see things from God's perspective. There was a purpose in the pain. A purpose that was bigger than the person. These tests were not allowed to prove a point to Satan. It was so that thousands of years later I (you) could reflect on a rough week and see that it fails to compare to the day that Job had. It happened so that Job's neighbors one town over, his friends who thought that he had sinned against God, so that his wife who told him to curse God and die- so that they, and we would be blessed by his making it through all that he endured with his testimony in tact. 
It's the same with us. People see us (you) going through a tough time, and our reaction makes an impact on their lives. Our response shows them our faith, and our God. They know that we are Christian, and yes they are watching. 
So how should we respond? Should we pity ourselves? Should we allow the pain to fester and infect our way of thinking, our mood, and disposition? No! When Job received all of that bad news, the loss of his riches, the loss of his income, the loss of his possessions, the loss respect from his friends, the faith of his wife, and the loss of his children- guess what he did? The bible says (Job 1:20) that He fell down and worshipped God! My Goodness, what an awesome response to hardship. That's our example. Worshipping God in spite of the hurt, pain, and position in which we find ourselves.
When we experience a time that seems to be overwhelming, chaotic, and hurtful.. we should Worship! 
So, how do you respond? Will your hardship produce worship? 
I love you, and I am praying for you...
Pastor Erroyl

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Thank you for being a constant light and vessel for Christ! God bless you!
